Our Operational Areas

Welcome to your Our Operational Areas Quiz.

You should answer all the questions in this quiz by selecting the MOST correct answer. Once completed, you can submit the quiz for marking.

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4 thoughts on “Our Operational Areas”

  1. Ticked the correct tab for the answer, but continually states by answer is incorrect.

    When can we leave our training area?
    The Answer You Provided:
    When needed to assist or rescue

    The Correct Answer: When needed to assist or rescue, For assists only, For rescues only, Never

    1. The skipper may leave our training area as he or she deems appropriate. For example, to retrieve a floating object. However, the skipper should advise the Radio Officer who should advise the Water Police. If an assist is in operation, the Commodore, the URC and the Radio Officer will already have received the assist sheet.

  2. Same same for this question, supplied the correct answer, but states that I’m incorrect

    Who should we contact if operating in the shipping channel?
    The Answer You Provided:
    Brisbane Water Police

    The Correct Answer: Brisbane Water Police, Commodore, Radio Officer, URC
    We should contact the water police because the shipping channels are outside our training areas. Brisbane VTS can be contacted on Channel 12 should you need specific Shipping Channel information. ——–

    1. The answer you provided is the Water Police but you should also advise the Commodore, The Radio Officer and (if appropriate) the URC.

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