Privacy is very important. The daily log only includes details of a vessel call sign, when they leave and return. There are no personal details on the daily log. If you have a particulraly complex day, you might want to keep the records just in case further advice is sought from you. The might include difficult assists, or QPS intervention. For most shifts, this is not necessary but there can be difficult situations where you want to maintain your own records.
Are you permitted to print the DAILY LOG for your own records?
The Answer You Provided: No
The Correct Answer: Yes
I was concerned about retaining records of other operator records and if the question was for my duties only!
The privacy concern was my issue also; that’s why thought you could print detail to enable your further recall as long as it didn’t leave the security of the room. Noted the learned comments.
I would have thought that data privacy would preclude the printing of data for your own records:
Are you permitted to print the DAILY LOG for your own records?
The Answer You Provided: No
The Correct Answer: Yes
Hi Tom,
Privacy is very important. The daily log only includes details of a vessel call sign, when they leave and return. There are no personal details on the daily log. If you have a particulraly complex day, you might want to keep the records just in case further advice is sought from you. The might include difficult assists, or QPS intervention. For most shifts, this is not necessary but there can be difficult situations where you want to maintain your own records.
Are you permitted to print the DAILY LOG for your own records?
The Answer You Provided: No
The Correct Answer: Yes
I was concerned about retaining records of other operator records and if the question was for my duties only!
Hi Brian. The daily notes only summarises the brief activity of the day. There is no privacy issue in the log.
The privacy concern was my issue also; that’s why thought you could print detail to enable your further recall as long as it didn’t leave the security of the room. Noted the learned comments.
All privacy issues remain, whether the records are in the radio room or with you at home.